Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Death From The Emotions - 1200 Words
The Death from the Emotions In the short story The Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin, Louise Mallard, the main character, is told that her husband, Mr. Brently Mallard, is dead in a railroad disaster. This short story is interesting mentioning the inner happenings of Louise character within an hour when she hears the news from her husbandââ¬â¢s death until seeing her husband, peaceful and healthy, appearing at the downstairs. Although the story is told quite simple within only one hour of time, readers can realize changes constantly in thought and feeling of the main character in step by step. The story represents a negative view of marriage in nineteenth century when men always keep the most important status of power and determinationâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Although her reaction is perhaps more violent than other womenââ¬â¢s, it is an appropriate one. As many women, Louise is very shocked because of her husbandââ¬â¢s death, and it seems difficult time for her to accept the truth. Mrs. Mal lard is described as a young woman: ââ¬Å"She was young, with a fair, calm faceâ⬠(Chopin, par. 8). From this detail, the author wants to express a big loss of the woman when she is too young to become a widow and suffers the terrible grief from her husbandââ¬â¢s death. Mrs. Mallard knows that she should grieve for her husband Brently and worry for her own future. Actually, life of a woman without her husband, who always play an important role in the family, will be more difficult. The feeling of grief gradually increase when Mrs. Mallard locks herself in her room to face the truth that her husband supposedly died: She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams (Chopin, par. 7). Kate Chopin compares the sob between the main character and a child to show woman in the story has kept grief emotions long enough to release all them outside; it makes Louise comfortable to face her own fate. After this detail, it begins to have change in her emotion when she can sense happy and free feelings building in her mind. Locking herself in her room, Mrs. Mallard begins to
Monday, December 16, 2019
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Sample of a Research Paper
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Sample of a Research Paper The Advantages of Sample of a Research Paper If you believe writing of a research paper is simply about gathering relevant materials and copy-pasting then in a different document, you're mistaken. There's a research paper. It is a very serious form of academic writing. When you're writing your research paper's introduction, you ought to be building it around a particular outline that supplies a general review of the paper. An excellent research paper addresses a particular research question. Regardless of what research paper outline you're considering, you will want to think about just how your research is going to be backed up. It's OK to copy such information provided that you reference it using a citation. As you read the data in your bibliography, you are going to want to take notes. Let's say you must purchase essay for college. Nobody will analyze a partially plagiarized research propo sal, as it's supposed to promote a great beginning to your upcoming career. The best method to speed your writing is to do just a little planning. Writing a reaction paper may be a true challenge, but at the exact same time it can help you to increase your analytical abilities and share your opinion with the world! Normally, you'll want to start out with your science fair project question so the reader will know the aim of your paper. Every author feels the same manner. The Unexpected Truth About Sample of a Research Paper There's no rule of thumb, except that subdivisions have to be coherent and of reasonable length. To begin, you are going to want a great topic and a strong focus to be able to acquire your paper outline rolling. You can also see course outline. In what follows you will understand a sample outline composed of short sentences. Otherwise, your tutor may provide you with a terrible grade. Writing a reaction paper can be a really challenging endeavor, so many students use examples to find out more about its structure and key capabilit ies. When many students don't have an opportunity to order a paper or wish to create it on their own, using online samples are sometimes a good way out. College students are predicted to deliver premium quality research papers that satisfy strict requirement as to contents and form. Porter's five forces analysis offers information concerning the competitiveness of the business. In the event you're not able to do the research paper because of any reason, you can depend on ProfEssays to write for you in accordance to your requirements. The industry report states that the international market for organ preservation solutions has come to be highly competitive in recent times, due to the growing number of participants. The initiatives taken by government and large quantity of investment in automation industry in U.S. and Mexico also help boost the photoelectric sensor marketplace. Sample of a Research Paper: the Ultimate Convenience! One of the very first suggestions that you ou ght to entry level graphic design cover letter sample is to search for individual information before you set out to try to find different sources. Therefore, you may read an abstract and understand the key points of work, its features and objections, which means you have the complete picture of the job. A brief sentence contains several words indicating a thought of the author. For example if you're writing a business letter you may use a template that has space assigned for your address, your clients address and similar requisites. The New Angle On Sample of a Research Paper Just Released If all the requirements of writing research paper in APA format appears too much that you take in and don't forget, selecting the expert services of our professional writers is going to be the very best option for you. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. You will be happy you filled up the purchase form. In ca se it exceeds, say, 3 pages, you might wish to break this up by including an extra section that covers the vital details for one or more of the above mentioned aspects.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Annotated Bibliography on Hospitality Management- myassignmenthelp
Question: Writeabout the Annotated Bibliography on Hospitality Management. Answer: Duncan, T., Scott, D. G., Baum, T. (2013). The mobilities of hospitality work: An exploration of issues and debates.Annals of Tourism Research,41, 1-19. In the article, the authors emphasize on the understanding of mobility in the hospitality sector. The onset of global tourism and growing acceleration in the hospitality sector has accounted to complex mobility in the employees of hospitality works. Different factors such as different experience backgrounds, geographical origins, social scenario, and working environments have led to increasing mobility in the employees. The authors have questions the labor processes of hospitality management discourses and emphasize the values of adopting mobility within hospitality and tourism studies. They have addressed the rising difficulties the organizations of hospitality sectors are facing in regard to attracting sustainable employees in work. Various factors such as young workforce, low pay, and lack of formal qualifications, part-time and casual workers have resulted to low skilled jobs and employment retention in the sector. The social stigma of working in the industry, poor utilization of Gen Y labors and high rate of staff turnover has deteriorated the sector to gain potential employees. These impression prevent the capable employees to choose tourism and hospitality industry as their career. The article is very relevant for managers and directors of the hospitality and tourism industry to consider the concept of mobility in order to eradicate the problem of employee retention in the industry. The industry is a stage for societal individualization and scope for greater social networks. The relationship between internationally and culturally mobile workforce, experience seeking tourism and hospitality management must be encouraged to encourage the employees to sustain their role in the industry. The conventional management thinking of tourism and hospitality labor processes need to be replaced with a more social scientific and interdisciplinary approach for the same. The article truly elevates the fact that mobile hospitality workers has the scope of making a sense out of their everyday existence through the complex mix of working, travelling and residential experiences that would ascertain their stability in the sector. Tourism sector is not just an economic phenomenon. I t is equally considered in terms of social and cultural interactions. Thus, valuing the workers in respect to their social and cultural linkages, emotional and aesthetic prospects and accepting mobility focuses understanding of hospitality works would help the organizations to attract staffs. The need for greater awareness of the multiplicity of mobility among the workers and directing and controlling them accordingly would turn out to be an inclusive way of understanding the real essence of the hospitality sector, enabling them to retain their staffs for a longer time. Vasquez, D. (2014). Employee retention for economic stabilization: A qualitative phenomenological study in the hospitality sector. The author in the article, focuses on employee retention that serve o be a vital factor in not only the hospitality sector but also for the nations economy. It shows the negative effects of high rate of employee turnover and thus forecasts the various factors that motivates employee to retain in the industry. The author has enriched the article through the qualitative data collection and interviews of the hospitality employees in South Florida. The author stresses on the need for creating a good working environment that would enable the organizations to retain their employees. Starting from the analysis of the hospitality industry that provide jobs all around the globe that amounts to greater economic stability, the article further delves into the challenging aspect of employee retention that is manifested in the industry. The author highlights the greater need of employee retention for every organization to be economically progressive since it can employ greater time in production t han on training of new employees. It is equally essential to render greater employee retention since hospitality sector accounts for greater employment of people than any other sector. The author evaluates various ways in order to sustain employees in the organizations. Skilled and educated employees, opportunities to develop career in the same organization, fulfilling workers needs and such other important matters are dealt in the article. From the article, the organizations functioning in the hospitality sector can initiate ways to retain employees. The author rightly suggests the various top establishments who have been able to retain employees for a long time through effective management system. The top management systems care for the fulfilling of employee expectations and looks to the various motivational factors. The adaption of the German model to create an effective and steady workforce in tourism as is suggested by the author also stands out to be very relevant for the businesses prevailing in the present times. Economic benefits to the employees and proper leadership skills and management ensures employees to stay loyal to the system they are serving. The study is a very helpful guide for businesses in hospitality sector today to develop internal rapport between the different sections of the management and have a continuous implementation of policies and processes in the management so that it becomes able to stabilize the sustenance of the employees in the organizations. Solnet, D. J., Ford, R. C., Robinson, R. N., Ritchie, B. W., Olsen, M. (2014). Modeling locational factors for tourism employment.Annals of Tourism Research,45, 30-45. The article reflects the importance of developing a strategy for workforce development that plays an integral part for the development of the organizations as a whole. The authors focusing on the essential need of a huge bas of employees in the hospitality sector provide the strategy that connotes to the job structure, location and working environment. They provide the three dimensional eight cell model that includes the neglected proposition of job location on tourism employment that serve to be a major reason for employee turnovers. The authors also elaborately discuss the theoretical implications and applications of the model to give rise to research agendas. They also address the practical implications to meet workforce challenges of the hospitality organizations with greater focus to the ones present in the remote areas. Emphasizing location to be an important aspect for the development of tourism for organizations is the key essence of the article. The same factor is very effec tive for the development of workforce for the organizations who are the core members for providing hospitality to the customers coming into the organizations. The authors highlight an important issue that there are various tourist destinations at the remote places which serve to be major attractions for tourists worldwide. However, being a poorly developed region with lack of facilities the organizations fail to attract the labor force that is very essential in the industry. Relating to the issue the authors have given the three cell strategy. The article is very much applicable that makes the readers acknowledge the intrinsic link that exists between the tourism industry and availability of labor force, employee attraction and retention in the industry. It stands to be a greater concern for the human resources in case of the remote places. The article focuses on the development of workforce including critical determinants of the motivational factors for employees to fit into the industry. Its multilevel model is very important for businesses today to consider the factors in a job with emphasize on location that influence employee decisions whether to stay in a particular job or refrain from it. The model built on Schneiders (1987) attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) framework is very useful for the industry to add greater consideration on the location factors for greater employee engagement and consider location along the job and organization for future development. Addressing the practitioner and theoretical concerns in the article with the recognition of the person fitting in the location to the other factors determine the attraction and retention of employees in tourism industry. This concept is a very effective one for the industry to survive and have a good employment base. Lack of examples in the article makes it a bit complex to relate in the practical scenario. However, the article lays a pathway for future research on the matter with practical implications. Aminudin, N. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and employee retention of GreenHotels.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,105, 763-771. The article evaluates the variables of antecedents, results and control of staff turnover in selected hotels of Malaysia that finally depicts the effects of the issue on both the person and the organization. The author analyses and synthesizes the factors that are responsible for employee turnover and addresses to the broader concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) that have an influence on the employees in the organization. The author rightly suggests that every employee strive to work for an organization through which he/she can be identifiable. Thus, it is very important for organizations to engage in CSR activities and be recognized. According to the article the research that the author has conducted shows that employees tend to have better work attendance and responsibilities in an organization that are identified largely by the population and drop out from the unrecognized ones. It also helps to retain the employees on ethical grounds that ultimately lead to economic d evelopment. The author applies CSR on tourism industry and in assessing the Malaysian hotels it has been found that the hotels are greatly concerned with their customers as well as the employees that have enabled them to be prosperous. They are the Green hotels who through the performance of the CSR activities have been able to retain the employees to a significant extent. The article is very important to identify the need to perform corporate social responsibilities by organizations in the hospitality sector in order to have brand identification. It shows that the brand value of every organization in the sector, mainly hotels need to have a good identity in the market. This helps the organization to retain its employees who generally do not break out from the identification that they get as worker of the sector. Employees participation in decision making, encouraging creative ideas, and reducing stress at work have significant influence on employee retention that must be focused by the organizations. The CSR having a huge positive impact on the employees is something that must be integrated in the management system of the organizations. Thus, like the green hotels, if the organizations become able to perform CSR activities and show greater concern for the society and the environment they would be more pronounced which would enable them to sustain the employees largely. Wang, C. J., Tsai, H. T., Tsai, M. T. (2014). Linking transformational leadership and employee creativity in the hospitality industry: The influences of creative role identity, creative self-efficacy, and job complexity.Tourism Management,40, 79-89. The authors in the article elevate a growing concern in regard to the hospitality industry that has a highly competitive environment. The industry is in need of huge employee base and a creative and talented work force. The authors highlight the importance of creativity among the employees which is very essential for the success of the industry and the organizations present in the sector. However, they connote to the job complexities that often hinder the creativity of the employees that lead to their separation from the companies. The authors address the need to explore the antecedents of employee creativity that helps the organizations to retain their customers. The article loses the depth of analysis in certain areas, losing the connectivity at times. However, the 395 supervisor-employee data collected from the international tourists hotels of Taiwan largely forecasts the need to promote employee creativity that helps the organizations to retain employees to a significant extent. In the present situation of the hospitality sector, the article is highly relevant that guides the operational organizations and hotels in the hospitality sector to encourage creativity in them so that they have a self development within them. This serves to b a very good motivational factor for the employees that help them to identify themselves with the organization that they are engaged with. Providing employees with inspirational motivation, idealized influences, intellectual simulation and individualized consideration enable them to be more engaged in the organizations, developing their potential and productivity. Transformational leadership is also a very positive connotation for the organizations that influences employee creativity, sustaining which the organizations are able to sustain the employees. This not only increases productivity and success for the organizations but also develop a good working environment that enables the organizations to attract and retain employees. References: Aminudin, N. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and employee retention of GreenHotels.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,105, 763-771. Duncan, T., Scott, D. G., Baum, T. (2013). The mobilities of hospitality work: An exploration of issues and debates.Annals of Tourism Research,41, 1-19. Solnet, D. J., Ford, R. C., Robinson, R. N., Ritchie, B. W., Olsen, M. (2014). Modeling locational factors for tourism employment.Annals of Tourism Research,45, 30-45. Vasquez, D. (2014). Employee retention for economic stabilization: A qualitative phenomenological study in the hospitality sector. Wang, C. J., Tsai, H. T., Tsai, M. T. (2014). Linking transformational leadership and employee creativity in the hospitality industry: The influences of creative role identity, creative self-efficacy, and job complexity.Tourism Management,40, 79-89.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Who Governs Essay Example For Students
Who Governs Essay The framers of the Constitution had a vision for a new nation, and a new government to regulate it. They saw the conditions in which England existed under the monarchy, and decided to construct a different kind of government in which no one faction could hold too much power. Thus, they developed a system of checks and balances to prevent any one of the three separate branches of the government from becoming dominant. Today, the three branches still remain intact, and no single branch has enough power to completely nullify the decisions and rulings of the other two. However, even though the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches are fundamentally comparable in their command of the nation, today the Legislative branch exercises the greatest extent of power. We will write a custom essay on Who Governs specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Each of the three branches serves a different function. The Legislative branch, which consists of Congress, makes laws for the nation to follow. Congress also creates federal programs and agencies, and appropriates funds to carry them out. The Executive branch, composed of the President and Vice President, most accurately carries out the laws of the nation. This branch is responsible for appointing Supreme Court Justices and other federal judges. The Judicial Branch is made up of the Supreme Court and other federal courts, and is responsible for interpreting the laws passed by Congress. This branch is endowed with the power to declare laws and other executive actions unconstitutional. The Legislative branch has the upper-hand from the beginning of the process, due to the fact that Congress develops and passes laws initially. Congress does not have free reign to pass any laws it pleases, however, because the President has the power to veto a Congressional bill before it becomes a law. Many presidents have used their veto power to prevent the passage of bills which they did not like, whether for moral reasons or for personal convictions. One example of a president using this power was during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Jackson vetoed a record twelve acts of Congress during his presidency, at the same time setting an example which other presidents would follow. The veto is where a large part of the Presidents power lies. However, even if the President vetoes a bill initially, that does not mean the bill cannot become a law. This is because Congress has the power to override a veto with a two- thirds majority vote. A good example of this occurred in 1973, when C ongress passed the War Powers Act over a presidential veto. This act placed limitations on the Presidents ability to use military force. Another important power of the Legislative branch is Congresss ability to impeach the president, and possibly have him removed from office. A famous example of this power was the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1973. Nixon resigned to avoid almost certain impeachment by Congress, concerning his involvement in the Watergate scandal. A more recent example was the 1998 impeachment of President William Jefferson Clinton. President Clinton endured the impeachment proceedings and Congress voted not to remove him from office. The Judicial branchs power lies within its ability to declare laws and executive decisions unconstitutional. This power allows the federal court system to nullify certain decisions made by the other two branches. However, it is clear that the Judicial branch does not exercise the greatest extent of power due to the fact that it is not directly involved in the creation and passing of laws. It can only deal with them if a situation arises after they have already been set in motion by the Executive and Legislative branches. Individual judges within the Judicial branch may appear to be above the law in many ways, in that they are appointed for life and are above executive control. However, this is not the case. Congress has the ability to impeach federal judges just as it can impeach a President. In fact, fifteen federal judges have been impeached by Congress up to date. .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 , .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .postImageUrl , .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 , .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3:hover , .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3:visited , .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3:active { border:0!important; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3:active , .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3 .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud5ccf5f4a342c22a3a4a38b5820d75e3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Great Gatsby (701 words) EssayAlso, the very structure of the federal court system makes it extremely difficult for the Judicial branch to enforce its decisions in many cases. It has no armed forces or police at its disposal, so Judicial decisions are sometimes simply ignored. For example, school systems throughout the country remained segregated long after the courts had ruled segregation to be unconstitutional. In closing, it can clearly be seen that while the three branches of the United States government are essential equal in power, the Legislative branch has the ability to use the powers it has most effectively. Congress gives birth to new ideas and laws constantly, and while the Executive checks protect against the passing of outrageous laws, they still cannot prevent the passage of laws in every case. Yet, even though the Legislative branch does exercise the greatest extent of power, it is far from in control of the government system. The checks and balances included in the Constitution ensure that the government will never become too centralized. Thus, it is obvious that the very foundation upon which our nation was constructed, the Constitution, blocks any of the three branches from dominating the other two. And while it is true that government has become more centralized than the framers of the Constitution had probably planned, it is still far from the monarchy of England. For in truth, Congress relies heavily on the general populous for its decisions. Public opinion will always have a major impact on the way our government runs. So long as the government is working for the people, as it is now, it is in line with the original vision of our nation which was developed by the founding fathers. Bibliography:
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